LED Spot Lights Failed

All three of my West Marine Eyeball Spot Lights have failed. One of those was a warranty replacement after the first one failed after 6 or 7 months. In looking at the West Marine web site, the Eyeball Spot Lights got one star reviews from all 4 reviewers, all citing premature failure.

So the galley spots are being replaced with 3W surface mount puck lights from Superbrightleds.com. We’ll see how they work out. They are rated for about the same power consumption (3.1W vs the West Marine’s 3.3W), and look to produce about the same light level (~180 lumens). They are smaller in diameter than the WM units, which won’t be an issue in the galley, but might be a problem if I decide to use one in the cabin as a reading light.

The LED strip light in the galley produces more than enough light to cook by, but it consumes 33W when operating. It’s important to me to have a low wattage lighting option for those times when I’m camping off grid and need to conserve my battery life.

The solar panel should arrive Monday, and with luck it will keep my battery charged, but I still want to consume as few watts every day as possible. You never know when you might run into a rainy stretch, as I did in Canada last year.


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