Winter Teardrop Projects

Well, I’ve just about finished my list of teardrop projects for this winter. Way too many to finish so I’ll just push some off to next winter ;-)

Number one on my list is to insulate and upholster (carpet?) the all-metal interior of the teardrop. Insulation provides several benefits, not the least is being able to touch the interior walls after the teardrop has been parked in the sun for a couple of hours. I plan to insulate using blue rigid Styrofoam insulation and cover it with this hull liner. I’ll let you know how it works out.

Next on the list of projects is to rewire the brake and turn-signal lights. The teardrop has a 4-pin connector and only rudimentary safety lighting. I want to add clearance lights, backup lights (for backing into camp sites after dark), and the ability to charge the teardrop battery from the car while towing. All this requires updating the old 4-pin system to a modern 7-pin connector and wiring.

And last, but not least, on the high-priority projects list is to add a 20 lb propane tank on the tongue and use it to power all the propane appliances that use 1 lb. cans now (stove, lantern, and grille). This is probably the most complex project because I have to provide a secure place to mount the tank, and safe, dependable, and easy-to-use connections for the appliances. But the savings should be worth it quite quickly. On the Lassen trip in August, we used five 1-pound propane cans, costing about $12, and resulting in five empty, not refillable containers.

I’ll be writing more about these projects as they happen.

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