Geezers and Geysers

I was concerned about my ability to sleep at this altitude (7700 ft), but after a while I found that I was sleeping normally, with no symptoms of apnea or the kind of sleep problems I had at Edison Lake those several years ago.

Today I’m off to see Old Faithful and the west side geothermal features. I’m going to pack a lunch so I don’t have to fight the crowds to eat and have a beer. When I get back, I’ll need to put ice in the ice box, but I see that there is an ice machine down the road that sells blocks.

I woke this AM feeling good about being here. I was very apprehensive yesterday, but that’s all gone now! The sky is clouding up, so I’ll be sure the rain gear is in the car and ready to go. It will probably be cool, so I’ll prepare for that. It was 45F in the trailer when I awoke this AM, under my sleeping bag, comforter, and trailer quilt. Warm and cozy.

Yellowstone Lake is quite large with lots of small islands of interesting features. Like many of the other stops on my trip, Yellowstone has had bumper crop of rain this spring and the lakes are all quite full.

Yellowstone Lake

Yellowstone Lake

OK, enough of this. I have to clean up after breakfast, and make a bag lunch for today’s adventures.

Later. I got to Old Faithful with a couple of thousand other people to see it erupt, just as the skies opened and a thunderstorm opened up. I got back to the truck with just a few drops. But just. By the time I got out of the parking lot (20-30 min later) it was raining hard there, and apparently hailing here. I returned to find the trailer streaming, and the Rio chair full of hailstones ;-) Old Faithful is about 35 miles from here, an hour’s drive if you don’t sight see. It took me most of four hours including a leisurely lunch at a Cascade, where the picnic grounds were crowded.



There’s no better way to see people at their worst, go to vacation spots. Apparently when people go on vacation, they leave all good sense, decent behavior, and the ability to drive at home. After finally getting out of the Old Faithful parking lot, I ended up behind a creeper who drove at 18 in the 25 zone, 28 in the 35 zone, and 28 in the 45 zone…… I know it’s illegal to murder someone in a National Park. Makes it a Federal Offense!

I’m glad the National Parks administration is keeping us safe. I wouldn’t want any Slow Rangers on the loose ;-)

Slow Ranger Checkpoint

Slow Ranger Checkpoint

I took pictures at the West Thumb Geothermal Basin. It’s right up against the lake so there are underwater features, and places where the lake water is kept warm by hot spring run off. The warmth supports additional aquatic growth.

Underwater Geothermal Features

Underwater Geothermal Features

I also took pictures at every turnout and scenic overlook between here and Old Faithful, including some off-the-path shots of the burned areas. At Pumice point, I got some nice photos of driftwood with the lake and mountains in the b/g.

Yellowstone Lake

Yellowstone Lake

Old Faithful was almost exactly as expected. People in bleachers waiting to watch a geyser erupt. Great cheers when it finally went off, a couple or four minutes late.

Old Faithful Erupts

Old Faithful Erupts

Unfortunately a thunderstorm cut short any plans to walk around the loop and see the other geysers and geothermal features in the OF basin. A ranger gave a nice talk that explained Old Faithful’s plumbing and how the combination of hot and cold water, in a dual chamber arrangement only about 50 feet deep causes the sporadic eruption of hot water to heights of 100 ft and more. I think the eruption today was more like 60-75 ft. The ranger says that out of about 4 million people who visit the park each year 3.5 million of them see Old Faithful.

Crowds at Old Faithful

Crowds at Old Faithful

On the way home from Old Faithful, I shopped, got cash at the ATM and got ice from the ice machine. Blocks, woo hoo. Ten pounds of block ice will last much longer than 10 lbs of cube ice..

I need to ingest today’s pictures and make some dinner. Tonight is brats and rice. A nice warm meal for what’s going to be a cold night. The temp was down at 44ºF when I got to the Fishing Bridge Store, but was up to 49º when I got here to camp. But I don’t think it’s going to get any warmer. It’s still warmer than 39ºF at Waterton Lakes.

Beer Review: I bought a 6-pack of Bitch Creek Brown by Grand Teton Brewing of Victor Idaho. The bottle says “Extra Special Brown ESB Ale.” The neck ring says IBUs: 60, ABV 6.0%, OG 15.0 P, and 18 deg Lov. No part of that spec says ESB to me except maybe 18 Lov. Over bitter, undermalted. It doesn’t help that I’m serving it too cold. The Spring Bock from Bowser’s Brewing lasted until today. I’ll have to look for a growler fill soon.

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