Westbank to Nelson BC

I got away from Westbank about 11, after getting ice, beer, and gas. The drive from Kelowna to Nelson is really beautiful, with a couple of long climbs over 5,000+ ft passes. It’s nice not being “afraid” of the mountains. Sometimes I’m not going as fast as I’d like, but I’m passing the semis.

The TomTom Navigation system got me lost getting to the campground in Nelson ;-( I ended up in a one-lane cul-de-sac and had to back up, very carefully, a block along a concrete wall. Not fun, but done. I got to the campground and checked in finally.

After getting unhitched and set up, I went to the big Save On supermarket to get stuff for dinner and ice for the ice box. While wandering the aisles wondering what I was going to eat, I saw the rotisserie chickens, and immediately decided to have chicken Caesar salad using a pre-cooked half-chicken to provide the meat. Excellent result. Produce is alarmingly expensive in Nelson, but I got out for $35 and felt lucky.

Tomorrow I plan to backtrack down to Castlegar to photograph the falls and spillways. I hope to meet up with Mado and her husband on this trip since we didn’t connect last time. But it’s no biggie. I didn’t come here to see them, I came because I liked Nelson so much last time.

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